Wrestling Videos

JRWrestling.com carries top quality wrestling videos for coaches and wrestlers. For great deals on other wrestling gear and equipment, please continue browsing our online store!

The Mat Doc Am I Disqualified DVD

The Mat Doc Am I Disqualified DVD

Am I Disqualified? “Every program should have this DVD…!” Robert Hines, M.D., Team physicia..


Wrestling Video Ben Askren: Funk Defense from the Feet

Wrestling Video Ben Askren: Funk Defense from the Feet

with Ben Askren, 2X NCAA Champ and 2X Dan Hodge Trophy winner from the University of Missouri Be..


Wrestling Video Brands Extreme Wrestling

Wrestling Video Brands Extreme Wrestling

Terry Brands' Brutal Bar Arm Series with Terry Brands, USA National Freestyle Resident Coach, ..


Wrestling Video Dan Gable's Essentials Package DVD

Wrestling Video Dan Gable's Essentials Package DVD

For instruction in the most vital wrestling moves and techniques, legendary coach and wrestler Dan G..


Wrestling Video Dan Gable: Coaching Mental Toughness on the Mat

Wrestling Video Dan Gable: Coaching Mental Toughness on the Mat

Strong mental toughness leads to good wrestling technique, tactics, strength, conditioning, flexibil..


Wrestling Video Dennis Hall Russian Ties: Creating An Angle

Wrestling Video Dennis Hall Russian Ties: Creating An Angle

The Russian Tie series is an excellent move that wrestlers at any level or weight class can use to s..


Wrestling Video Freestyle Par-Terre Defense DVD

Wrestling Video Freestyle Par-Terre Defense DVD

Head Coach University of Tennessee-Chattanooga, Bronze Medalist 2000 Olympic Games, 2X NCAA Champion..


Wrestling Video From Folk to Free: Fundamental Techniques for Building Elite Wrestlers DVD

Wrestling Video From Folk to Free: Fundamental Techniques for Building Elite Wrestlers DVD

Features & Benefits Learn how fundamental skills and positions can be used for success a..


Wrestling Video Gable's Advanced Wrestling DVD

Wrestling Video Gable's Advanced Wrestling DVD

If you've got the basic moves down but want to take your wrestling to the next level, then your ..


Wrestling Video Greg Strobel Becoming a Champion Wrestler Escape

Wrestling Video Greg Strobel Becoming a Champion Wrestler Escape

A championship wrestler must be able to get away from his opponent. If your opponent is riding you, ..


Wrestling Video Greg Strobel Becoming a Champion Wrestler Riding

Wrestling Video Greg Strobel Becoming a Champion Wrestler Riding

Riding your opponent in wrestling is hard work. In this DVD, Coach Strobel shows your wrestlers the ..


Wrestling Video Greg Strobel Becoming a Champion Wrestler Takedo

Wrestling Video Greg Strobel Becoming a Champion Wrestler Takedo

Coach Strobel has been a successful wrestling coach at every level. In this break-through DVD series..


Wrestling Video High Percentage Throws and Counter Attacks DVD

Wrestling Video High Percentage Throws and Counter Attacks DVD

Features & Benefits Learn the drills that will enable your wrestlers to effectively exec..


Wrestling Video John Smith - How Low Can You Go II

Wrestling Video John Smith - How Low Can You Go II

The Brute John Smith - How Low Can You Go wrestling video is packed with signature style and unique ..


Wrestling Video Kerry McCoy All-American Heavyweight Series

Wrestling Video Kerry McCoy All-American Heavyweight Series

Kerry McCoy, Maryland Head Coach; former Lehigh University Assistant Wrestling Coach, 2X Olympi..


Wrestling Video Kerry McCoy Slide-Bys and Overhooks DVD

Wrestling Video Kerry McCoy Slide-Bys and Overhooks DVD

Olympian Kerry McCoy presents an in-depth look at two of his favorite moves that have helped him bec..


Wrestling Video Mark Cody Scrambling: Higher Man Wins

Wrestling Video Mark Cody Scrambling: Higher Man Wins

Scrambling allows your wrestler to use his opponent's shot as his takedown. Coach Cody considers..


Wrestling Video Par-Terre Fundamentals Set DVD

Wrestling Video Par-Terre Fundamentals Set DVD

Freestyle Par-Terre Offense with Terry Brands, University of Tennessee-Chattanooga, Bronze Meda..


Wrestling Video Position-based Offense: Arm Drags, Shrugs, and Finishes w Mark Cody DVD

Wrestling Video Position-based Offense: Arm Drags, Shrugs, and Finishes w Mark Cody DVD

Features & Benefits Learn how fundamental skills and positions can be used for success a..


Wrestling Video Terry Brands Brutal Arm Bar Series

Wrestling Video Terry Brands Brutal Arm Bar Series

with Terry Brands, USA National Freestyle Resident Coach, Bronze Medalist 2000 Olympic Games 2X..


Showing 1 to 20 of 28 (2 Pages)